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A cabbie “dozed off” upon the death of Avtar Saini, the CEO of Intel India

A cabbie "dozed off" upon the death of Avtar Saini, the CEO of Intel India

A cabbie "dozed off" upon the death of Avtar Saini, the CEO of Intel India

A speeding taxi in Navi Mumbai killed former CEO of Intel India Avtar Saini on Wednesday.

The taxi driver, Hrishikesh Khade, was the subject of a formal complaint and notification from the competent authorities.

The Ulwe taxi driver told detectives that he dozed off at night.

It occurred on Wednesday at 5:50 a.m., according to officials. When it happened, Saini, 68, was bicycling on Palm Beach Road in Nerul with other people.

As Saini attempted to flee, the taxi struck his bike, causing the frame to collide with the front wheels. Hospitalised Saini passed away, according to a police spokesman.

Avtar Saini, a former national manager and director of Intel South Asia, passed away. Gokul V. Subramaniam, President of Intel India, expressed his sadness online. Avtar was a co-founder of Intel India R&D. From 1982 until 2004, he produced a large number of Intel chips.

Chembur-centred Saini was an Intel microprocessor 386 and 486 developer. He created the Pentium CPUs for the business.

“We tested Khade’s blood and found no alcohol,” an NRI officer stated. That night, he started his nightly taxi commute. On Tuesday, he began driving at night. After dozing off and entering the cycle, Saini passed away.

The investigator stated that after Saini’s wife passed away a few years ago, they are currently waiting for her US-based children to transport the body for burial.

Since the laws used against them have a maximum sentence of less than seven years, taxi drivers are not imprisoned.

The taxi driver received citations for driving recklessly, breaking the Motor Vehicles Act, causing death by any means other than murder, and acting rashly in order to harm human life.

On the Worli Seafront, a car struck runner Rajalakshmi Vijay just before Saini passed away.

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