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A Maldivian politician’s criticism of Modi’s Lakshadweep visit sparked BoycottMaldives



Racist remarks made by a Maldivian MP mocking Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi‘s visit to Lakshadweep have sparked outrage across the country and demands for a BoycottMaldives.

Due to remarks made by Zahid Rameez, a council member of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM), during Prime Minister Modi’s visit, there was a rise in cancellations from prospective tourists. Among other things, he cited a “permanent smell in the rooms.”.

Images of Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Lakshadweep were posted on social media by well-known user @MrSinha, who praised the island nation’s tourism sector and criticised the newly elected Maldivian government, which is heavily influenced by China. This is how the debate started.

“This is a really intelligent choice. However, it’s absurd to think you can perform better than us. How do they offer services of the same calibre as us? Why do they always look so tidy? The main drawback, according to Rameez on X, will be the rooms’ lingering smell.

Indian tourists departing from the Maldives promoting BoycottMaldives

As a gesture of protest, many Indian travellers have decided to reschedule their trips to the Maldives, and many have vented their frustration on social media.

The Maldives government’s response

In spite of this, the relevant ministries have neither issued an apology nor recanted their statements. Notwithstanding, the Maldivian government conceded in a statement that “the Maldives Government is aware of derogatory remarks against foreign leaders and high-ranking individuals on social media platforms.” These are the author’s personal views, which might or might not reflect those of the Maldivian government. Additionally, the government’s capable authorities will not hesitate to take legal action against individuals who continue to make such disparaging remarks.”

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