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After the 17th Lok Sabha adjourns, Narendra Modi said: Action, reform, and change occurred

After the 17th Lok Sabha adjourns, Narendra Modi said: Action, reform, and change occurred

After the 17th Lok Sabha adjourns, Narendra Modi said: Action, reform, and change occurred

In a statement made public on Saturday, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi said that the nation had simultaneously experienced “reform, perform, and transform” over the past five years. Prime Minister Modi congratulated everyone in his speech, notably Om Birla, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. He claimed that the 17th Lok Sabha had taken up the COVID-19 mission and transformed its functioning during the course of the previous five years.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the MPs’ ability to withstand public criticism was due to their refusal to accept a 30 percent wage cut and discontinue the canteen food subsidy. When he relocated the sessions to the new Parliament building, Prime Minister Modi remarked that the Sengol had been created in the institution.

When speaking about the notable achievements of the 17th Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister brought up the passing of the triple talaq law and the repeal of Article 370. These were two significant victories. According to Prime Minister Modi, the passage of the women’s reservation bill and the opening of construction on the new Parliament building happened at the same time.

In the next twenty-five years, the nation will confront unthinkable difficulties. Both of the nation’s political parties, in Prime Minister Modi’s opinion, have national goals and ambitions. In addition, he predicted that India would transform into “Vikshit Bharat” during the course of the following 25 years.

“There will be an election in not too long. Despite the fact that this is an important aspect of democracy, we recognize that some individuals may feel a bit nervous. It was announced by Prime Minister Modi, “Our democracy is proud of the election.”

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