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As a result of the attack on the Capitol, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from the race.

As a result of the attack on the Capitol, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from the race.

As a result of the attack on the Capitol, the Colorado Supreme Court disqualifies Trump from the race.

Citing the “insurrectionist ban” outlined in the 14th Amendment, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that former US President Donald Trump was unable to participate in the 2024 presidential primaries because of his involvement in the 2021 US Capitol attack.

CNN reports that Trump’s appeal to the US Supreme Court, which is anticipated to decide the matter, will postpone the historic 4-3 ruling.

Despite being state-specific, the Colorado court verdict might have an impact on the 2024 presidential campaign. The constitutionally required deadline for Republican Party candidates is January 5, according to state election authorities.

“A majority of the court holds that President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution,” the decision stated.

“Because he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Colorado Secretary of State to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot.”

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A Trump campaign spokesman called the ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court “completely flawed.” The team promised to make an appeal.

“We will swiftly file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court and a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision,” said Steven Cheung, a spokesman for the Trump campaign.

Up to January 4, the ruling is subject to an appeal.

The ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court came after a group of voters challenged an earlier ruling that ruled Trump’s clear engagement on January 6 did not exclude him from seeking office again.

The fundamental issue in the case was the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which prohibits “any office… under the United States” from insurrecting after making a vow to uphold the document as “an officer of the United States.”

The lower court held that since the presidency is not one of the federally elected offices that is affected, Trump is not covered by the amendment.

A Trump spokesperson referred to the Colorado ruling as “undemocratic” and promised to file an appeal with the US Supreme Court.

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