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“Flat white” coffee is honoured in the Google Doodle

"Flat white" coffee is honoured in the Google Doodle

"Flat white" coffee is honoured in the Google Doodle

The March 11th Google Doodle, which startled online viewers with an animated ode to “flat white coffee,” The popular espresso-based beverage is thought to have originated in Australia or New Zealand. In 2011, the term “flat white” was formally added to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Today’s animated Doodle honours the flat white, a popular coffee beverage made with steamed milk and a dash of espresso. Google stated that “many believe the drink was first served in Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s when it appeared on menus in Sydney and Auckland around the same time.”

Alongside the rise of coffee culture, there have been significant changes to the methods for creating flat whites. “Originally made with whole milk, Australians and New Zealanders now often order it with plant-based milk—oat milk is becoming more and more popular,” according to an announcement from the company.

Google provided more information about the beverage, stating that it frequently comes in a ceramic cup and has three ingredients: steamed milk, an espresso shot, and a very small amount of microfoam. People who value coffee but think flat whites are “flatter” than lattes or cappuccinos are among those who prefer their coffee without as much foam. Baristas in Australia and New Zealand regularly use their pouring techniques to create beautiful artworks, which is one way that they display their artistic abilities.

Cappuccino versus flat white

According to the official Nescafe website, a flat white is primarily composed of steamed milk with a thin coating of milk froth, whereas a cappuccino has foamed milk on top. A 1:2 ratio of coffee to milk is used to make cappuccinos. The website stated, “In contrast, the flat white is 2:3.”

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