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Geminids meteor shower 2023: When and Where to see

Geminids meteor shower 2023: When and Where to see

Geminids meteor shower 2023: When and Where to see

NASA states that the yearly Geminid meteor shower “is considered to be one of the best and most reliable annual meteor showers,” and this week is expected to be the apex of the shower.

One unique aspect of the annual event is that meteors can be seen in the sky from anywhere in the world between November 19 and December 24.

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The peak of this year’s active meteor shower is expected to occur early on December 14 around 2 a.m., immediately following the new moon, making it more spectacular. This implies that the meteor shower will be best viewed when the sky is almost completely dark.

But there are a few requirements that must be fulfilled in order to see the meteor shower.

Experts from NASA advise people to “come prepared for winter temperatures,” which entails packing a lawn chair, sleeping bag, or blanket. Additionally, they want to pick a location far from cities and lighting.

The shower starts at about 9 or 10 p.m. and lasts until morning, according to NASA. “Be patient” as the eyes need some time to adjust to the dark sky.

Try to see as much of the sky as you can while you lie flat on your back with your feet pointed south. Your eyes will adjust and you will begin to see meteors after about thirty minutes in the dark. According to NASA, “Be patient; there will be plenty of time for you to catch a glimpse as the show runs until dawn.”

Under ideal conditions, 120 Geminid meteors can be seen in the sky per hour at its peak. Expect them to be sporadically spaced; long stretches of time without any meteors in the sky are possible.

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