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Iris Apfel, a fashion legend, dies at 102

Iris Apfel, a fashion legend, dies at the age of 102

Iris Apfel, a fashion legend, dies at the age of 102

Fashion queen Iris Apfel passed away at the age of 102.

US media reported that her estate’s spokesperson, Stu Loeser, said she died unexpectedly. Death occurred Friday at her Palm Beach home.

She managed White House renovations and was an antiquarian.

In addition to museum exhibits and a documentary, Apfel has appeared in Barbie doll, eBay, Citroën, and H&M commercials.

The glasses-wearing New Yorker’s comedy was distinct. As “the oldest living teenager” on Instagram, she remarked, “less is boring and more is more.” Over 2 million follow her.

Her elegant clothing and antique accessories were on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2005. Strange Bird: Uninformed The Met hosted Iris Apfel’s first non-designer contemporary woman show. Apfel dressed and painted the mannequins, another first.

Iris Apfel employs unexpected discoveries and ingenuity to experiment with colour, texture, and print. Dior and James Galanos owned a Mexican hammered belt and 18th-century plaster earrings.

great ideas. Lagerfeld and Armani’s opening night launched Apfel’s fashion career.

Success brought the exhibition to Florida’s Norton Museum of Art. The Peabody Essex Museum got the whole Rare Bird of Fashion collection in 2010.

Before attending Wisconsin’s art school, Queens native Iris Barrel studied art history at New York University in 1921.

She copied Ladies Wear Daily. Cartoonist Robert Goodman and interior designer Elinor Johnson employed her.

In 1948, she married Carl Apfel. After two years, Old World Weavers closed in 1992. Ike, Kennedy, Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton revived Estée Lauder, Garbo, and the White House.

A couple aggressively sought 17th, 18th, and 19th-century imitation fabrics to sell.

Apfel told the Guardian in 2015 that they had no kids. Kids are a tradition, even though we don’t want them. Not all kids require nannies. I dislike categorization.

She was Dazed’s oldest cover model at 91. Tommy Hilfiger recommended that she join IMG in 2019. She founded her cosmetics company at 101 after working with Ciaté London on makeup.

Apfel added, “I wouldn’t want to stop the clock,” concerning aging in 2018. incredibly dull. similar to time travel. Dislike that. Variation fascinates me.

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