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Is Google Gemini the next big thing in artificial intelligence?

Is Google Gemini the next big thing in artificial intelligence?

Is Google Gemini the next big thing in artificial intelligence?

Google revealed the start of Project Gemini, a significant advancement in artificial intelligence, on December 6. It is expected that this humanoid figure will amplify discussions about the benefits and drawbacks of this technology.

The AI-powered chatbot Bard by Google and its Pixel 8 Pro smartphone will be released in phases. The less advanced Gemini variants, dubbed “Nano” and “Pro,” will be accessible initially.

Google claims that Bard will become more adept at task planning and observant with Gemini’s assistance. Google claims that Gemini on the Pixel 8 Pro will be able to immediately respond to messages on messaging apps like WhatsApp and narrate videos that were made with the device swiftly.

“Bard Advanced” will debut in 2024.

The most significant developments from Gemini won’t be visible until early 2024, when the company will utilise its Ultra model to introduce “Bard Advanced,” a more advanced chatbot initially available only to a small test group.

Despite Google executives telling reporters at a conference that the technology will not have any problems gradually expanding into other languages, the AI will only function in English at first.

Google’s “Bard Advanced” may be able to recognise and comprehend presentations that blend text, graphics, and video concurrently, potentially opening up new options for AI multitasking, according to a demonstration of Gemini given to a group of reporters.

Moreover, Gemini will shortly be included in Google’s widely used search engine; the exact release date has not yet been revealed.

The CEO of Google DeepMind, Demis Hassabis, said, “This is a significant milestone in the development of AI and the start of a new era for us at Google.” Google DeepMind is the company that created Gemini. Ten years ago, Google defeated competitors like Facebook parent firm Meta to acquire London-based DeepMind. Since then, in order to concentrate on Gemini’s advancement, it has combined DeepMind with its “Brain” division.

starting a dialogue

Google’s assertions that AI is superior to math and physics have bolstered proponents of the technology and led many to think that it could lead to scientific discoveries that raise the standard of living for humanity.

However, some AI sceptics fear that someday AI will surpass human intelligence, which might lead to the loss of millions of jobs and possibly even more destructive behaviour like spreading false information or advocating the use of nuclear weapons.

In a blog post, Google CEO Sundar Pichai said, “We’re approaching this work boldly and responsibly.” This entails setting high goals for research and pursuing innovations that will have a significant positive impact on society and the populace. It also entails putting safety measures in place, collaborating with law enforcement and other professionals, and managing dangers that emerge as AI develops.

Microsoft and San Francisco-based firm OpenAI are expected to intensify their AI fight, which has been intensifying over the past year, with the release of Gemini.

Gemini will face competition from OpenAI’s GPT-4.

When OpenAI released the free ChatGPT tool late last year, it was halfway through developing its most potent AI model, GPT-4, with financial and computational support from Microsoft. The rapid rise in popularity of the AI-powered chatbot revealed the commercial possibilities of generative AI, forcing Google to remove Bard.

Just as Bard was making his public debut in March 2023, OpenAI launched GPT-4. Since then, the company has been launching additional services for customers, both corporate and individual. For instance, the chatbot was given the capacity to evaluate pictures in November. It has faced competition from other AI firms in the industry, like Anthropic and Microsoft, which have given OpenAI billions of dollars in exchange for the exclusive right to utilise its technology.

The over 50% increase in Microsoft’s market value in 2023 serves as evidence of the company’s consistent profit from the partnership thus far. The fact that Alphabet, the parent company of Google, has seen its market value increase by more than $500 billion, or over 45%, thus far this year, indicates that the firm has also benefited substantially from this trend. On December 6, trade in Alphabet’s shares slightly decreased despite the recent excitement surrounding Gemini.

With Microsoft’s increasing engagement in the non-profit organisation and OpenAI’s more aggressive attempts to commercialise its products over the past year, questions have been raised over whether the firm has veered from its original aim to preserve mankind as technology advances.

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When the board quickly removed OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in November 2023 over unreported trust violations, concerns were raised. In the midst of criticism that threatened to bankrupt the firm and drive many brilliant AI professionals to Microsoft, OpenAI reorganised its board and reinstated Altman as CEO.

With the release of Gemini, OpenAI might find itself attempting to demonstrate that its technology is still superior to Google’s. Regarding Gemini, Eli Collins, vice president of products at Google DeepMind, remarked, “I am amazed at what it can do.”

Google declined to provide Gemini’s parameter count, one indicator of a model’s complexity but not the only one, during a virtual press conference. The most advanced version of Gemini, which fared better than GPT-4 on multiple-choice tests, primary school arithmetic, and other benchmarks, was described in a white paper published on December 6. The study did, however, also draw attention to the continued challenges in teaching AI models to develop more complex cognitive functions.

Because huge language models frequently guess the word that will appear in a phrase and are prone to making up errors known as hallucinations, some computer scientists think that these models have limitations. With Gemini, we achieved great strides towards factuality. In that sense, Gemini is the best model we have. Collins did, however, continue, saying, “I continue to believe that this is an open study topic.

Some general information about Google Gemini

Gemini’s reach

Google is now directly competing with ChatGPT as it has integrated the new Gemini Pro with its chatbot Bard. As of right now, Google has pledged to integrate additional modalities “soon”; nevertheless, the Gemini-powered Bard is currently confined to text-based conversation. The most recent edition is exclusively available in English and can be accessed in 170 countries and territories.

Gemini: Give it details.

Google’s DeepMind team created the large language model (LLM) known as Gemini. It is intended to rival and potentially even surpass current AI systems, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

Different modes of operation

Text, images, and other forms of data are all integrated into Gemini, which is multimodal from the ground up. This might facilitate the development of more organic communication styles. Google demonstrated the AI’s capabilities in a video chat by displaying several objects to it in real time.

Utilising APIs and Tools

The “next-generation multimodal models” that will make use of Google’s recently launched artificial intelligence platform, Pathways, include Gemini. This suggests that Gemini might be the largest language model ever built.

Distinct Dimensions and Abilities

There will be a variety of sizes and capacities available for the “series of models” known as Gemini. To decrease potentially dangerous hallucinated information and increase accuracy, it might employ stronger reinforcement learning algorithms, memory, and fact-checking against sources like Google Search.

The effects of Gemini

Gemini is likely to have a significant impact on the AI sector. It performs better than OpenAI’s GPT-4 and is Google’s most potent AI model to date. The Bard chatbot and the Pixel 8 Pro serve as its power sources. It is one of the first models, according to Google, created from the ground up as a multi-modal LLM. Interaction should therefore become more “human-like” and organic.

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