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NASA’s historic Ingenuity helicopter came to an end after 72 flights

NASA's historic Ingenuity helicopter came to an end after 72 flights

NASA's historic Ingenuity helicopter came to an end after 72 flights

The mission was launched on April 19, 2021. When was the first aircraft used to carry out operations in another world? In the pictures received this week, it can be seen that the Ingenuity helicopter Joe, during the landing, was crippled and could no longer fly.

“Teddy Tzanetos, NASA JPL’s Ingenuity helicopter project manager for engineering, told the media:” “It’s nice to talk about our mission on Mars.”

He claimed the helicopter’s two-and-a-half-year voyage on Mars was great.

Our final voyage to Mars occurred last week. He said the helicopter was damaged after a hard landing on the 72nd flight. The mission was done, he realised, because he had to land the aircraft.

This is a good fit for our mission, he told me. To obtain additional shots, our team will turn the blade. so that we might select the helicopter.

Before sending the helicopter, five test flights were done within 30 days. The Mars helicopter flew 72 times in three years.

“When the anchor asked,” “What did we learn from engineering?”” The project manager said,” “Every mission that NASA sends out of the earth.”” “It has some purpose. It has to prove something, and with ingenuity, we are very close to proving that life is possible on Mars.

The anchor also cited Elon Musk, who is working hard to send humanity to Mars. He questioned the project manager about where we were in the effort to return dirt to Mars by scientists.

The project manager said the science community’s main priority is returning Mars samples to Earth.

Rover 2020 is the first link in the Mars sample-bringing mission, gathering priceless samples. They must be returned to Earth next. We haven’t analysed these samples with modern technologies to answer many Mars questions. We can hope because Mars samples cannot be brought to Earth.

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