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Ncuti Gatwa Assigns Tasks and Explains the Strange First Costume of the Doctor Who

Ncuti Gatwa Assigns Tasks and Explains the Strange First Costume of the Doctor Who

Ncuti Gatwa Assigns Tasks and Explains the Strange First Costume of the Doctor Who

In “The Giggle,” the third Doctor Who 60th anniversary special, Ncuti Gatwa discloses the peculiar post-bigeneration attire that the Fifteenth Doctor wore prior to his last demise. The actor debuted on screen as Tennant’s Fourteenth Doctor, who splits into two individuals during a fabled bigeneration, in the third act of the show’s finale. Gatwa inherits the remaining items from the second incarnation, while Tennant keeps his vest, undershirt, pants, and shows from the first. The Time Lord divides his outfit between his two incarnations in this manner.

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Speaking with RadioTimes, Ncuti Gatwa revealed a new story for Time Lords with the popular bigenerational twist of the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary. He also talked about how his unusual first-incarnation costume was made. Before it was his turn, Tennant had finished filming a good portion of the scene, so the actor, who plays the Fourteenth Doctor, could choose which portion of the costume he wanted to keep for the role and leave the rest with Gatwa, the actor explained. View every one of Gatwa’s memories here:

How the Doctor Sews His Clothes for Post-Regeneration

Because regeneration alters a Time Lord’s physical form, a Doctor’s first story can offer the series the opportunity to observe an incarnation in attire significantly different from what they would later wear once their first solo adventures begin. Since the new incarnation’s physical attributes are largely the same as those of its predecessor, it is still clad in the old garb.

This keeps them from dressing up in items that they would have liked to wear from the doctor’s enormous collection. Therefore, Doctor Who’s post-regeneration outfits are a terrific method to visually bind each incarnation together before the show leaps into a new epoch.

Cast of Doctor who

But occasionally, as with Tennant’s bigenerational split and Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary celebration, the post-regeneration appears to stray from the norm. The Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann) never wears the Seventh Doctor’s (Sylvester McCoy) outfit because the Time Lord had undergone a botched surgical procedure after being taken into hospital after being shot, whereas Christopher Eccleston never had the chance to don the War Doctor’s (John Hurt) outfit because the 50th Anniversary’s unique incarnation was retroactively inserted into the show’s continuity.

There’s a chance that additional factors are at play. In order to allay suspicions about possible dishonesty regarding the star’s clothing changes, Doctor Who creator Russell T. Davies might have decided, for instance, not to have David Tennant dress as Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor during the costume regeneration process.

Ncuti Gatwa and Tennant’s bigeneration drove Doctor Who into unprecedented and unexplored territory in the last moments of the show’s 60th anniversary, yielding two distinct post-regeneration looks. Fans now understand how the two Doctors’ appearances came to be, thanks to Gatwa’s explanation. Even though the Fifteenth Doctor may have a distinct post-regeneration appearance, his Doctor Who season 14 costume has already been revealed. It’s immediately apparent that Gatwa’s Doctor may be the most stylish rendition to date.

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