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New Albany billionaire Leslie H. Wexner was removed from the Jeffrey Epstein list by court order

New Albany billionaire Leslie H. Wexner was removed from the Jeffrey Epstein list by court order

New Albany billionaire Leslie H. Wexner was removed from the Jeffrey Epstein list by court order

A longtime associate and financial advisor of Jeffrey Epstein was New Albany businessman Leslie H. Wexner. He founded L Brands, which promoted Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works.

Wexner’s removal from Epstein’s acquaintance list was expected due to Virginia Giuffre’s 2015 court issue. Giuffre said Ghislaine Maxwell, and Jeffrey Epstein directed her on who not to talk to. It was resolved in 2017. Judge Loretta Preska of the Southern District of New York published the people’s identities last month after deciding their secrecy was no longer needed.

The papers made public on Wednesday night include Wexner’s name many times, even though none of the people in the files have been charged with a crime. Those on the list were likely victims, witnesses, or parties in legal procedures, or had a relationship to Epstein and/or Maxwell, who is serving a 20-year federal prison sentence for her conviction.

Wexner was mentioned in public deposits where the investigation’s subjects answered questions.

Eva Maxwell is asked about her experience advising ladies on bold Wexner styles.

“Definitely not,” Maxwell said. “You did get that; I said categorically no.”

They also asked if she told Wexner about the situation. Her reply was “no.”

The court questioned the second witness about her relationships with Wexner and celebrities like Kevin Spacey and Al Gore. The witness said “no” to Wexner.

After Jeffrey Epstein was granted broad authority as Wexner’s agent and power of attorney in the mid-1980s, they went into business together.

In 1998, Epstein and Wexner became presidents of The New Albany Development Firm, according to Ohio corporate records. One of Epstein’s New Albany properties was on King George Drive. He owned it from 1994 to December 2007. He handed it to the Wexners unconditionally.

In 2020, the Wexner Foundation stated that Epstein did not have executive control over the institution as a trustee.

The New York Times reports that Wexner and Epstein led a company that bought a Manhattan mansion for $13.2 million in 1989. They both valued that company’s property. The Times said that Wexner sold Epstein’s property for $20 million nine years later. Epstein lived there for years, but Wexner never did.

In a 2019 letter, Wexner claimed that Jeffrey Epstein had embezzled tens of millions of dollars from the family and that the family had removed him from financial supervision in 2007 after learning of his extramarital affairs.

Internal Revenue Service records In December 2007, Abigail Wexner formed the YLK Charitable Fund, according to a 2019 request.

Epstein donated $47 million to the foundation. That was the only donation until the organisation folded three years later.

Leslie Wexner later accused Epstein of stealing $47 million.

“This was, frankly, a tremendous shock, even though it clearly pales in comparison to the unthinkable allegations against him now,” he wrote to his funder. He broke our trust and integrity; therefore, we broke up. We got some of the money.”

Wexner wrote to colleagues that he “was never aware of the illegal activity” Epstein was accused of.

Jeffrey Epstein told Ohio State University he would donate $336,000. The charity will support the state’s 2020 anti-trafficking campaign.

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