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Pakistan wants to connect Central Asia and beyond

Pakistan wants to connect Central Asia and beyond

Pakistan wants to connect Central Asia and beyond

According to the head of the army, Pakistan is a strategically and economically important country that strives to establish itself as a connecting point and entry point to Central Asia and other areas. However, it is against bloc politics and supports preserving cordial ties with all friendly nations.

The COAS emphasised that Pakistan wants to establish a long-term multi-domain collaboration with the US in order to increase bilateral engagement. He emphasised that he had extremely productive talks with political and military leadership during my tour of the US, and he looked forward to strengthening the connection.

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Moreover, Gen. Asim Munir emphasised that Pakistan has continuously maintained both regional stability and global peace and security by acting as a deterrent against transnational terrorism.

In keeping with the aspirations of its people, Pakistan has made unmatched sacrifices and efforts in its long-running battle against terrorism, and it will not give up until the inevitable conclusion.

He further emphasised that the UNSC resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people must be taken into consideration when addressing the Kashmir issue.

“Kashmir is a globally recognised dispute, and no unilateral action can alter this dispute’s nature against the wishes of millions of people in the area,” he said.

The COAS also emphasised how critical it is to carry out the two-state solution, provide humanitarian aid, and stop the suffering in Gaza in order to bring about long-lasting peace in the (Central Asia) region.

Upon his arrival, the Pakistani ambassador to the United States greeted the army chief.

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