
Review of Movie Tejas: Kangana Ranaut’s frantic trek

Tejas movie review: Kangana Ranaut’s pays a pilot in the movie.(MINT_PRINT)

Tejas, the most recent film that a coffee-dependent squirrel edited, explores geopolitics and the skies. Battle scenes, moving but not heartfelt patriotic speeches, and some unnecessary Pakistani digs are all present in the Sarvesh Mewara-directed movie. He may have thrown the kitchen sink at the exhibit.

The film’s story, set in a remote Pakistani outpost, resembles Uri. The operation humiliates the opponent and creates tension and uncertainty.

Tejas Movie Official Trailer

The first half features commuters rushing to catch the last train home in disconnected scenes. The movie regains its composure when the action moves to the battlefield in the second half. The climactic aerial combat sequences are well-done and never overdone.

Tejas Gill, played by Kangana Ranaut, is a skilled IAF pilot who enjoys danger. Tejas dominates the film, with other characters orbiting her like satellites. Tejas is the movie’s protagonist, so relationships come second. She makes decisions with the fervor of an espresso shot but never follows through.

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Although acceptable, the film takes artistic liberty with the Indian Air Force. It glorifies the IAF and its pilots’ bravery. This patriotic enthusiasm makes the picture charming, although it sometimes borders on jingoism.

Instead of criticizing Pakistan, the nearly two-hour film addresses terrorism. It occasionally gets funny, especially with “Sarqalam” the villain and a dangerous rescue to shame the enemies.

Kangana Ranaut’s pays a pilot in the movie

To give us a brief glimpse of Tejas’s early years and the encouraging environment that sparked her pilot dream, a stereotyped picture of her is shown, with essential details left out. Her bravery and patriotism are admirable, but she might be more nuanced.

Despite being appropriate for an Indian Air Force film, the music may be too loud for some viewers. Scary, aggressive music during action scenes can lose the plot. Given the film’s content, loud rock and metal tones seemed appropriate, although a more restrained approach was possible.

The movie frequently mentions Tejas, which is unusual. The story centers on Tejas. Piloting a Tejas with mission code “Tejas” So many “Tejas” in the movie make the tale feel forced and ludicrous. The movie’s authors may have felt forced to use “Tejas” as much as possible due to time constraints and title brainstorming.

Tejas is an action film that excels at action but struggles with geopolitics. Kangana Ranaut plays a committed female air force pilot who must prove her bravery, independence, and self-sufficiency. Anshul Chauhan, Tejas’s flanker, combines his impatience and aggressiveness with elegance, patience, and film noir drama.

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