ChatGPT for paid users is faster and smarter

ChatGPT for paid users is faster and smarter

Intelligence and efficiency define online interactions in today’s hyper-connected society. Modern technology users are always on the lookout for ways to make their devices faster and more efficient. People have been going absolutely bonkers over all the features of the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, which is available to premium users. Modern natural language processing (NLP) and complex algorithms allow ChatGPT…

Google Launches Student-Professional Notebook AI Chatbot

Google Launches Student-Professional Notebook AI Chatbot

The Google Notebook and the AI Chatbot (LM) are transforming the way professionals and students take notes. In an effort to revolutionize the act of taking notes, Google has just introduced NotebookLM, an innovative AI chatbot that will force you to abandon your pen and paper. Abandon cumbersome handwriting and sloppy margins, this formidable instrument holds the potential to augment…