North Queenslanders should get ready for Cyclone Kirrily on Thursday

North Queenslanders should get ready for Cyclone Kirrily on Thursday

A “severe” storm Cyclone Kirrily is expected in Queensland, so homes should stock up for 72 hours. The Bureau of Meteorology has issued a Cyclone Kirrily warning for north Queensland ahead of category three tropical storm Kirrily near Townsville on Thursday. In a Monday afternoon news briefing, bureau response manager Lauren Boekel warned that coastal areas may be affected first…

Cairns Airport will remain closed due to a “serious weather emergency.”

Cairns Airport will remain closed due to a “serious weather emergency.”

The former tropical cyclone Jasper made landfall, and state premier Steven Miles issued a “serious weather emergency,” resulting in the closure of the Cairns airport in Queensland due to the possibility of catastrophic flooding in the Far North Queensland city. Miles stated on Sunday afternoon that there were “serious concerns” for numerous towns in the far north and that flood…

Tropical Cyclone Jasper is going to Queensland. What guides the storm?

Tropical Cyclone Jasper is going to Queensland. What guides the storm?

The Bureau of Meteorology has stated that Tropical Cyclone Jasper is expected to make landfall on the Queensland coast in less than eight hours, despite the fact that there is still a “cone of uncertainty” in this exact area. Jasper is expected to hit Port Douglas as a category 2 storm, despite the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) stating that it…

Annastacia Palaszczuk, the old premier of Queensland, leaves politics.

Annastacia Palaszczuk, the old premier of Queensland, leaves politics.

Queensland‘s leader for over nine years, Annastacia Palaszczuk, has announced her resignation at the end of this week. After giving the media an update on Tropical Cyclone Jasper on Sunday morning, an emotional Palaszczuk made headlines. She claimed to have thought about quitting as charges began to surface against her leadership while on vacation in Italy with Reza Adib. That…