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The Pakistan Army will cultivate 41,000 vacant acres in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan Army will cultivate 41,000 vacant acres in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan Army will cultivate 41,000 vacant acres in South Waziristan.

The Pakistan Army will farm 1,000 acres in Zarmalam, South Waziristan. 41,000 acres of newly developed land that is suitable for farming will increase the amount of farming land in the upcoming years. The region’s agricultural productivity and food self-sufficiency should increase as a result of this project.

The Pakistan Army wishes to increase agricultural productivity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, according to Lieutenant General Sardar Hasan Azhar Hayat, the commander of the Peshawar Corps, who our correspondent met with.

According to the general, after years, the Pakistani military intends to cultivate 41,000 acres of uncultivated land in Zarmalan, South Waziristan. He thought there was unrealized potential in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for tourism, hydropower, mining, and agriculture projects that could increase the region’s resources.

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He asserts that the cooperation between the Army and the civil administration has drawn investments to the province’s mining, agriculture, hydropower, and tourism sectors. Increasing investor convenience could lead to the creation of new jobs.

General Sardar Hasan Azhar Hayat asserts that closing the civilian-military divide requires interaction with a variety of people. He converses with academics, teachers, students, and members of different social circles, particularly those who attend integrated school systems.

“The relations between the provincial government and the armed forces are extremely cordial,” said the KP government official. “The provincial government has cracked down on illegal mobile SIMs, explosives, extortion, armed robbery, illegal arms, smuggling, forged documents, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities with the assistance of the armed forces.”

The official went on to say, “Relevant federal, provincial, and intelligence agencies are working together for effective prevention of illegal activities.”

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