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The US has requested that Pakistan investigate any potential irregularities in the electoral process

The US has requested that Pakistan investigate any potential irregularities in the electoral process

The US has requested that Pakistan investigate any potential irregularities in the electoral process

Matthew Miller, a spokesman for the US State Department, said, “I’m not sure what body they’re proposing to conduct an independent investigation would be.” “At this point, it’s a matter of first course; the Pakistani legal system being played out is the appropriate first step to take, and we think that’s the step that should be taken,” he said.

Miller stated that the US was open to drawing other conclusions, notwithstanding appeals from certain US Members of Parliament to delay acknowledging the election results until after the planned review was completed.

He said , “We are happy to look into any additional steps that ought to be entertained.” “We certainly hope that everywhere in the world, the right to assemble is respected.”

Miller thanked the Pakistani people for casting their ballots and for supporting the democratic process and democracy by standing alongside journalists, civil society organisations, election monitors, and poll workers in Pakistan.

“””We refer directly to challenges,” “he said. “And we pay special attention. As we do with the EU, the US, and other states, there are some differences we see in this process.

He continued by saying that the US had given the Pakistani government instructions to accept the election results. According to Miller, “We emphasise that we want to see the rule of law, respect for the constitution, free press, vibrant civil society respected in the run of the elections, and we continue to believe that is the case.”

The American official acknowledged that restricting internet and cellphone access before and during elections lowers voter turnout. “We oppose restrictions on internet and mobile phone service, as well as acts of violence connected to politics and elections, since they negatively impact the electoral process,” he declared.A source said, We want to ensure that the Pakistani legal system fully examines our allegations of fraud and interference.

He stated that the US “continues to monitor the process” in the coming days.

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