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US court has ordered WhatsApp to release the Pegasus virus code

US court has ordered WhatsApp to release the Pegasus virus code

US court has ordered WhatsApp to release the Pegasus virus code

The well-known Pegasus malware and other cyberweapons manufacturer, NSO Group, has been ordered by a US judge to provide WhatsApp access to the source codes for Pegasus and other spyware programs.

According to The Guardian, the decision made by US judge Phyllis Hamilton has greatly benefited Meta, the company that owns the messaging app WhatsApp. Since 2019, the business and NSO have been at legal odds.

The government views the codes used by NSO’s other monitoring programs, such as Pegasus, as extremely sensitive state secrets. The Israeli Ministry of Defense is responsible for licensing sales to foreign countries, conducting thorough inspections, and supervising NSO Group’s operations.

WhatsApp hailed the court’s decision as a major turning point in its efforts to protect its users from unauthorized access. The spokesperson emphasized that organizations that disseminate malware must think through the consequences of their choices and that they may be subject to legal action.

The government of Vice President Joe Biden concluded in 2021 that the actions of the Israeli corporation NSO Group had breached US foreign policy and national security aims. It is important to remember that NSO Group was given official government clearance.

It’s clear that people all over the world are paying more attention to how cyberespionage tools are being shared. Also, it’s a big step toward making NSO Group pay for the crimes it committed. The way digital privacy and security are handled might change because of this choice. This is especially likely if the case goes on for a long time.

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