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Google will delete millions of Gmail accounts next month.

Google will delete millions of Gmail accounts next month.

Google will delete millions of Gmail accounts next month.

Google will delete millions of Gmail accounts next month. Google changed its two-year account inactivity policy for this reason.

Gmail users who rarely use their accounts may lose access next month. Millions of Gmail accounts may be wiped in December 2023 as part of a two-year deactivation process.

In a May blog post, Google product management VP Ruth Kricheli said the business is decreasing risk. The two-year Google Account inactivity restriction applies to all Google products. From December on, we may erase a Google account and everything in it, including Google Workspace (Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet, Calendar), Google Photos, and more, if it has not been used or logged into for two years.

“This is because forgotten or unattended accounts often rely on old or re-used passwords that may have been compromised, haven’t had two-factor authentication set up, and receive fewer security checks by the user,” said the report.

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Two-step verification is 10 times less likely on inactive accounts than active accounts, according to our research. These accounts are vulnerable to identity theft and spam distribution.”

Who’s vulnerable?

The rule only applies to individual Google accounts that haven’t accessed Gmail in two years, not business or educational accounts.

Keeping your account active

Logging in every two years is the easiest method to keep your Google account active, according to the Google site. Recent logins to our services or Google accounts will keep your account active. Signing in or using your Google account may involve the following:

using Google Sign-in for third-party apps

It won’t affect your Google account if you have a Google One, news outlet, or app subscription. Google will consider this persistent account behavior. Google does not plan to remove YouTube user accounts.

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