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Vin Diesel denies sexual battery charges in a former aide’s lawsuit

Vin Diesel denies sexual battery charges in a former aide's lawsuit

Vin Diesel denies sexual battery charges in a former aide's lawsuit

The actor Vin Diesel “categorically” refuted the claims made by a former aide that he had molested her sexually.

The actor’s lawyer issued a statement that read, “To be very clear, Vin Diesel categorically denies this claim in its entirety.” The supposed nine-day employee’s claim to be older than thirteen years old is something he had never heard of before. There is an abundance of evidence to fully disprove these absurd accusations.

A complaint filed on Thursday first mentioned the claims that the assault happened in 2010 while Fast Five was being filmed. Asta Jonasson claimed that while she was working as his assistant, the actor made unwanted advances towards her. She was fired, according to the lawsuit, hours after the alleged assault.

Claiming unfair termination, an unfavourable work environment, and gender discrimination, Jonasson is suing the actor, his production firm, and his sister, who is president of One Race Productions.

Claire-Lise Kutlay, Jonasson’s attorney, filed a complaint against Diesel and other people who “allowed and covered up his sexual assault, accountable for their egregious actions,” according to a statement.

The lawsuit claims that in September 2010, One Race hired Jonasson, who had previously worked for production companies and “ultra-high-net-worth actors,” to be Diesel’s assistant. Throwing parties and attending to the actor’s every need—including standing next to him at gatherings so he might have “cover” in case he was spotted with other women—she got right to work on the Fast Five set in Atlanta.

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According to the lawsuit, shortly after Jonasson arrived one evening, Diesel’s security phoned her and asked her to vacate his St. Regis hotel room since he was not answering his phone. The lawsuit claims that after she told him, Vin Diesel pushed her onto his bed. According to the lawsuit, he broke free from his hold and sprinted out of the bedroom in the direction of the door after being told to halt.

According to the lawsuit, Jonasson hugged her and told her not to open the door because she was worried about her safety and her work. The complaint also claims that Diesel “molested her body,” attempted to undress her, made inappropriate approaches, and planted a kiss on her.

The actor was allegedly knocked down as she shouted and fled to the toilet, but he climbed back up and physically slammed her against the wall, according to the lawsuit. She reportedly resisted strongly when Vin Diesel forced her to touch his hard penis, and that’s when he started to masturbate.

The lawsuit states that, “terrified, Ms. Jonasson closed her eyes, trying to dissociate herself from the sexual assault and avoid angering him.”

According to the lawsuit, Jonasson was approached several days before the alleged incident by an unidentified One Race boss who made sexual advances towards him. The manager allegedly gave her instructions to come to his hotel room, telling her to “come here” while he got ready for bed. She allegedly fled right away, according to the lawsuit. That individual was not involved in the legal dispute.

The complaint states that even though Diesel’s sister, Samantha Vincent, had been praised for her efforts, she was fired by phone a few hours after the alleged incident.

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It was obvious what the statement meant. Ms. Jonasson would lose her job for bravely resisting Vin Diesel’s attacks, and he would escape punishment, and his sexual assault would go unreported.

“Ms. Jonasson’s self-esteem was destroyed, she felt helpless, and she questioned her own abilities and whether sacrificing her body for career advancement would be necessary for a successful outcome.”

Attorney Kutlay, on behalf of Jonasson, contended that businesses ought to support and shield employees who come forward with allegations of sexual abuse and harassment. According to Kutlay, “We hope Ms. Jonasson’s brave choice to come forward helps create lasting change and empowers other survivors.”

With the media “protecting powerful men and silencing survivors,” Jonasson feared societal rejection and remained silent. The complaint asserts that she was inspired to speak up by the #MeToo and Time’s Up campaigns, in addition to new laws.

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